An audit company entered on the list under number 2921
Let our specialists help you improve your business
Our focus is to support the Board of Directors of the client company to ensure client’s success. We provide an independent, reliable opinion of the target company to investors and creditors. We use the latest knowledge in the field of taxes, accounting, International Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards. We apply our knowledge in Enterprise Risk Analysis, methodologies of analyzing risk and future trends.

Times change and we change with the times
Tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis
King of Franks Lotharius I (815-855)
Our services comprise of:
Financial audits
Due diligence
Auditors and court experts opinions and analysis
Tax advisory and tax appeals
Mergers, acquisitions and reorganization advisory
External audits of EU funds
Process accounting advisory/p>
Specialized training
Other financial and economic analysis